
Pet theft awareness

Pet theft is on the rise

Did you know that pet theft has risen by 140% in the last 4 years? It is a worrying statistic but it is no coincidence that the last 4 years has seen a record high in pet thefts, just after the “puppy boom” of 2020/2021. It was widely reported that puppies and kittens were being sold for extremely inflated prices, which in itself is quite heart breaking.

It was widely hoped in the animal sector that these figures would, by now, be significantly decreased. However, pet theft is still a very low priority for our overstretched police forces, and as a result opportunistic pet thieves have come know that pet theft is not a high priority and they’ll have a greater chance of never being caught.

There are a number of things we can do to help prevent pet theft, but the most important thing we can do as pet owners is to ensure our pets have a microchip, and to ensure it is always kept up to date. We look at some tips to help keep your pet safe from pet theft, but also what to do if your pet goes missing.

cat microchip


A microchip is a small chip, the size of a grain of rice which is usually inserted in the neck area of a pet. These little chips hold your details so if your pet is found, a veterinary professional (or anyone with a microchip reader!) can read the microchip number, get in touch with the animal database, who then can contact you to tell you your pet has been found. It is vital your details are kept up to date with the chipping company. Microchips cost less than £30 and last the lifetime of your pet.

It is the law for all cats and dogs to have a microchip, and we personally reunite lost pets to their owners more than a dozen times a year. We once scanned a lovely cat who had wandered to Hexham from Darlington!! The owner had not seen her cat in over 3 years, so that is how important the chip is!


  1. Never leave your dog outside a shop on their own or in a car unattended.
  2. Put a collar and tag on your pet – when they’re in a public place, every dog must wear a collar with the name and address of their owner engraved on it, or on a plate or tag attached to it. We also recommend including your mobile phone number on any ID, as this can help reunite you with your pet quickly should they ever get lost or stolen. Cat collars should be quick-release to stop them from hurting themselves.
  3. Train your dog to come back when called, and never let them off the lead if you’re not sure they’ll come back to you. If in doubt, use a long-line lead, especially if you’re in an unfamiliar area where your dog may get lost more easily.
  4. Make sure your garden is secure and if you have a gate then fit it with a lock. It’s also a good idea to fit a bell to the gate so you hear if anyone opens it.
  5. Don’t leave your dog on their own in the garden, or at least keep them in view.
  6. Keep recent photographs of your pet and make a note of any distinguishing features. This is especially important for cat owners.
  7. Take care when choosing someone to care for your dog if you’re going away or need a dog walker while you go to work. Use a reputable company or boarding kennels, and check references for people who provide dog or house-sitting services.
  8. Neuter your pet, as this can reduce the likelihood of them roaming.

pet theft

What to do if your pet goes missing

It is easy to assume a missing pet has been a victim of pet theft. Sometimes this is obviously the case if you’ve found signs of theft, like broken glass, gates smashed etc, but it’s important to know that if you can’t see any obvious signs of pet theft, then there is still a chance your pet has somehow wandered away and is lost rather than stolen.

In any case, if the worst does happen and your pet goes missing or you think they’ve been stolen, here are some steps you can take to give yourself the best chance of being reunited with your pet:

  • Check your home and local area thoroughly.
  • Post on social media – sites like Facebook can also be really useful for spreading the word in the local area so that people can keep an eye out for missing animals.
  • Report it to the police – if you believe your pet has been stolen, you should report it to the police as theft as soon as possible. That way, they can pick up on any trends if it’s happening more frequently in a certain area.
  • Phone the microchip database that your pet is registered with and report them as missing so that you’ll be informed if anyone tries to re-register the chip number.
  • Report it to your local dog warden, as well as your local vets and all local animal services.
  • Register your pet on missing pet websites such as Animal Search UK, Dogslost or the National Pets register.
  • Make posters and display them in local areas such as parks and vet surgeries. The poster should include a clear photograph and details of the circumstances.


Microchips are a legal requirement for all cats and dogs. If your pet is not microchipped, please book an appointment today.