Hexham 01434 607677

12 months, 12 offers
New for 2021, we are delighted to announce 12 months, 12 offers.
Every month of 2021, we will be offering discounts on services or products. We constantly try and promote the very best treatment for your pets and we proud of the work we do. To help with the cost of premium health care we will be offering over £1,000 in savings throughout the year! Stay posted each month to find out what the specific offers are and how much you could save!
Month | Promotion |
January | Weight awareness |
February | Dental awareness |
March | Puppy and Kitten awareness |
April | Parasite awareness |
May | Microchip awareness |
June | Adopt a cat month |
July | Adopt a dog month |
August | Immunization month |
September | Animal pain awareness |
October | Firework awareness |
November | Pet diabetes month |
December | Anxiety and Christmas |