2019 Star Of The Year
Orchard House Vets Star Of The Year 2019
Every pet under our care is a star in our eyes, however this year we wanted to award a “star of the year” for 2019, and Wilbur instantly came to mind.
Gentle giant, Wilbur, came to see Tim Pearson, MRCVS in 2018 with a slight limp. Tim had a high suspicion that it wasn’t just a strain or sprain. X rays showed a slight “smudge” on the bone of his forearm. Wilbur had a three dimensional X ray, a CT, and was diagnosed with a bone cancer. Jonathan Deacon at Moorview Referrals used a 3D-modelled titanium alloy bone to replace the bone in Wilbur’s forearm. Twelve months later Wilbur is still in remission. Early diagnosis and cutting edge orthopaedic surgery have given him an extra years of happy life with his family.
At the beginning of the year, Wilbur also starred in Graham’s video for the national veterinary awards, he was in the practice for 2 hours being filmed from every angle, which given his giant size, was many angles! We fondly remember when the videographers asked what a Pyrenean Mountain Dog was and summing up our description as “ah, like a fluffy labrador”. You can image the look of surprise on their faces when a 65kg “fluffy Labrador” walked through the door!
At the awards ceremony, when Wilbur appeared on screen, a room full of Veterinary surgeons, Registered Veterinary Nurses and Veterinary support staff all gasped in amazement over his beauty and of course his size! We, as a practice, were incredibly grateful for Wilbur’s mum to take time out of her day to bring him in, and of course for Wilbur to be so patient.
He is such a deserving Orchard House Vets “Star of the year” and we wish him a happy and healthy 2020!