Hexham 01434 607677
Priority rating – Urgent
You need to contact us immediately – Please telephone 01434 607677
We are opening hours are 8.30am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 1pm Saturday.
Please phone for an appointment. 24 hour cover is provided in house by our own vets. If it is outside of normal office hours, your call will be diverted to a call handling service. Your call will be answered immediately, your details will be taken and then one of our vets will be asked to give you a call.
The vet may give you telephone advice or may ask to see you.
- Always telephone us before going to the practice. Our vet may need to give you special instructions or an appointment time.
- Take care. When dogs are injured or ill they may accidentally bite or scratch.
- Stay as calm as possible.
- If a wound is present and it is practical to do so, apply firm pressure to the wound with a clean cloth.
- Call your vet immediately, stay as calm as possible and be as detailed as possible so your vet can assess the situation clearly.
- Do not try to feed your dog until you have checked with your vet practice that it is ok to do so.
- If your pet has a wound, do not allow your pet to lick at or scratch the wound.
- Try to keep your pet warm, quiet and calm.
- Dogs should be on leads attached to a harness (in the car) or collar.
- Compose yourself before getting in the car and make sure you drive safely.