Hexham 01434 607677
Medium priority
Priority rating – Medium Priority
Make an appointment to see one of our vets in the next 24 hours unless we advise that it is safe to wait longer – Telephone 01434 607677
We are opening hours are 8.30am – 6.00pm Monday to Friday and 9am – 1pm Saturday.
Please phone for an appointment.
- Situations can change. Keep a close eye on your pet. If there is any deterioration or new symptoms appear, contact us immediately.
- If your pet has any other symptoms follow the series of questions for those symptoms. See us in the shortest recommended time.
- If any of the symptoms are not listed contact us.
- If your pet is not better in 24 hours contact us.
- Call your veterinary surgery for advice on what to do.
- In the meantime, make sure you are as calm as possible and your pet is warm and comfortable.
Dogs should be on leads attached to a harness (in the car) or collar.