
Stocksfield news – Jill Crawford

Jill has decided to retire from Orchard House Vets after 21 years of outstanding service to the practice. We are all going to greatly miss her and words are not easy to come by when you have worked with such an incredible vet, and friend, over so many years. However, Tim has written a statement and so too has Jill.

Tim statement

Jill Crawford was my neighbour before she worked at Orchard House. I was a solo vet, having set-up the practice from scratch in 1998. I was delighted when Jill applied to join the practice when I expanded to the Stocksfield premises.

In the following 21 years, Jill has been a constant source of support and guidance. She was the driving force behind starting our mobile clinic service in the North Tyne valley in 2012. This was successful but limited by space, too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Jill encouraged me to find, develop and open our Bellingham branch in the old Police Station in 2017. Most recently she oversaw last year’s extension and redevelopment of our Stocksfield branch with an additional consulting room, very comfortable heated cat and dog accommodation for day-patients, and upgraded and extended operating facilities. She also established our cat friendly clinics at Bellingham and Stocksfield, as well as maintaining our RCVS Practice Standards Accreditation and ongoing clinical governance; no small task. Jill’s wide veterinary experience and knowledge was valued by colleagues and pet owners.

Jill has been a driving force that has helped Orchard House Vets become a successful, independent small animal practice with the highest standards and reputation. She is respected and loved by staff and clients. Jill well deserves her retirement with more time for family, friends, and her many outside interests.

Enjoy the next chapter, Jill, and don’t be a stranger…

Jill statement

I will be retiring from Orchard House on 30th April, having joined the practice in 2004 when the Stocksfield branch opened. I know I am leaving it in safe hands with Shona, Kate and Hannah. It has been a privilege to serve the pets and owners of this lovely area and to work in a great practice, with fantastic staff . I will miss everyone.